SketchFlatShadedCustom Background
Full Body15 euros30 euros50 euros+7 euros
Half body10 euros20 euros35 euros+3 euros
Headshot/Portrait5 euros12 euros20 euros+1 euro
Icon5 euros15 euros30 eurosN/A
Pagedoll10 euros30 euros50 eurosN/A
Sticker pageN/A40 euros65 eurosN/A (included)
Character SheetN/A45 euros70 eurosN/A
Background (by itself)N/AN/A35 eurosN/A


  • Pricing: My art prices are subject to change based on my availability to work on commissions and my desire to work on certain types of commissions. The prices I have listed are the minimum for that commission type (not including sales or discounts). Complex characters and complicated requests may increase the cost.

  • Payment: Payments can be done by Paypal or Wire/bank transfer only. If paying with Paypal, please do not put anything in your note besides your name/contact information. I take half payments at the sketch and the final half at delivery of the final product. Euro is preferred as currency.

  • Refunds: I do not issue refunds once I have started your order. If you want to cancel your order before I start working on it, I will refund you. Once the art is completed, refunds will not be given unless I have made a grave mistake on your commissioned piece and either I am unable to redo it or you are not interested in a redone commission.

  • Commercial Rights: While the completed art piece you commissioned does belong to you, you may not profit off of my art in any way, shape, or form. This includes selling prints, stickers, or other merch with my art on it. This applies regardless of your ownership of the character in the image.

  • NFTs: I will never participate in the buying or selling of NFTs and strictly prohibit my art from being bought or sold as NFTs.